what is up

*not* a continuation of a previous blog, but a rebirth of some sort, i guess. unlike my other very public friendster blog, i'm hoping that this will be one that is read by few on their own volition rather than read by many on friendster's incessant prompting. that being said, on this page you will come across thoughtful posts, straight-up feelings, manifestos on education reform, thoughts on social change, and generally - the craziness that *is* my world.....enjoy : )


inspired by girldateslondon.com

she's really quite amazing with her persistence and noble attempts to maintain self-respect and dignity in the dating world. it truly does seem like we're subjected to blow after blow of booty calling and relationshipless relationships, aside from the ridiculous amounts of time spent deciphering the significance of an email, text, or voicemail message. perhaps, 'he's just not that into you' IS well put...


ten pills a day, baby!

feelin like quite the oldie these days with all the meds i'm on- an antibiotic, sudafed, and ibuprofen. thankfully, i think their preventing me from actually feeling ill (and drinking alcoholic beverages, i should add) makes me wonder about folks that have longer term illnesses and have to take these quantities of meds every single day....crazy!



clearly, it's been ages since i've conjured up a thought or two to slap on here. perhaps i've been more consumed by the day to day lately- in a distant kinda way.

wow, i just realized how long- it's been months- almost half a year! and, yes, the new year festivities have come and gone. and, no i have not made any new year's resolutions. of course, there are the intermittent goal-making sessions i have with myself, but nothing earth-shattering. the usual self-improvement type stuff- be more social, get out of the house more often, try to figure out a career goal, etc.

so i guess the reason that i've even wandered back on to here is that i've been sick at home all day today and am running out of ways to keep myself occupied. good, old pharyngitis!


back to school

there's always this naive excitement at this time of the year, almost a giddiness among school-going kids and their families. they're transitioning to a life that seemed a dull routine only three months prior. i guess in some crazy way i re-live this through all my teacher friends, their kids, and so on.

i've succumbed to it in some way i guess because i have also dropped the ball and enrolled in continuing ed class at nyu. statistics for management, they're calling it. plus since i'm considering going back to teaching in the fall, i'm being even more attentive to it all to make sure that it's the direction that i'd like to head...
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