what is up

*not* a continuation of a previous blog, but a rebirth of some sort, i guess. unlike my other very public friendster blog, i'm hoping that this will be one that is read by few on their own volition rather than read by many on friendster's incessant prompting. that being said, on this page you will come across thoughtful posts, straight-up feelings, manifestos on education reform, thoughts on social change, and generally - the craziness that *is* my world.....enjoy : )


for whom the bell doesn’t toll – sean, unarmed black man

i'm not sure what that descriptor even means any more – ‘unarmed black man’ it seems like because you’re black, you are armed by default. clearly, not in the literal sense but armed with melanin that isn’t the right kind.

i know…it’s easy for me to sit at my computer and write about this in my privileged, sterile setting and i do have a hard time verbalizing the actual hurt i feel when i hear about racially motivated hate crimes like this (note crimes committed by those entrusted to ‘protect’ us.)

i could go on into an academic rant about the subjugation of people of color, and the kinds of baggage that are forced upon us because of a lengthy, ongoing imperialistic colonial presence that is inherently lethal in its consequences.

or i could just describe the visceral response that this kind of stuff elicits in me…and how it just makes me really friggin sad.

Democracy Now's account of the incident
A very(!) contrary perspective

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