what is up

*not* a continuation of a previous blog, but a rebirth of some sort, i guess. unlike my other very public friendster blog, i'm hoping that this will be one that is read by few on their own volition rather than read by many on friendster's incessant prompting. that being said, on this page you will come across thoughtful posts, straight-up feelings, manifestos on education reform, thoughts on social change, and generally - the craziness that *is* my world.....enjoy : )


the fine line between boredom and restlessness

i got home a bit early today because i was feelin a bit under the weather. the powers that be were kind enough to take pity on my situation, and so i scurried home to bed and slept for a couple hours in the late afternoon. part of me wishes i could do that everyday....i like the idea of taking naps during the day - makes me feel like i'm takin life in stride, appreciatin the finer aspects of living in this overstimulated existence...

the down side to this is that i've been at home since then (except for a quick grocery run) and i'm bored out of my mind. i've exhausted my cell's contact list, done google searches on all the topics that i've been wondering about as of late, organized my purse, and read some short stories. and it's still _only_ 9:40 p.m. what's a gal to do??!?!


Anonymous said...

Are you still up? I just got home :-\

curryangst said...

yup, still up.

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