what is up

*not* a continuation of a previous blog, but a rebirth of some sort, i guess. unlike my other very public friendster blog, i'm hoping that this will be one that is read by few on their own volition rather than read by many on friendster's incessant prompting. that being said, on this page you will come across thoughtful posts, straight-up feelings, manifestos on education reform, thoughts on social change, and generally - the craziness that *is* my world.....enjoy : )


and she did it!?!?

yup, luckyd, i did make it out there. it's a record. two nights in a row. trekked out to forest hills this time - the opposite direction of manhattan. it was a going away party for a friend-more-like-acquaintance who i'd met during an acting class at baruch. (don't ask what i was doing taking an acting class - i realize it's completely out of character.)

we went to this spot called bartini's - a joint that makes over 600 different flavas of martini, and they had a longass drinks menu to prove it. i didn't expect to get there as early as i did so i actually had a good 30-45 minutes to laboriously peruse the menu. i ended up with a chocolate monkey martini - a drink that had enough alcohol content in it so that it gave me enough of a buzz, but not strong enough to make me forget where i live and what my name is....

since i was so friggin early (actually the first customer at the bar) i had time to make friends with a 32 year old gentleman from the republic of georgia, a country that borders turkey, as he informed me later that night. he was a funny one. i'm not sure i'd like to get into the gory details, but all in all the night turned out to be rather entertaining.

as i finished it off rather early (in nyc terms), and walked myself to the train station i felt decidedly good about how the night turned out. i also have to admit that i realized i was feeling my age creep up on me. gone are the days of drinking myself into blissful ignorance and dancing the buzz off to overplayed and misogynistic hip hop beats, knowing that my girls would have my back if the alcohol didn't sit well with me. but since i still had a bit of a buzz, i rushed those thoughts out of my over-analyzing head, and enjoyed my walk home from the train station...


Anonymous said...

yay! glad to hear you had a good time =) I finally finished my book - it was not very satisfying at the ending unfortunately, but oh well. i have 2 days to get my house out of its state of disarray before book club. :P

curryangst said...

i'll be sure to give you a sticker for completion the next time i see you :)

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