what is up

*not* a continuation of a previous blog, but a rebirth of some sort, i guess. unlike my other very public friendster blog, i'm hoping that this will be one that is read by few on their own volition rather than read by many on friendster's incessant prompting. that being said, on this page you will come across thoughtful posts, straight-up feelings, manifestos on education reform, thoughts on social change, and generally - the craziness that *is* my world.....enjoy : )


making it to friday

i do realize that i was a bit dramatic earlier in the week, posting in the wee hours of the mornin, but a gal should be allowed at least that. this is particularly true this week.

i made plans earlier this week to chill with a couple gal pals when little beknownst to me, something or one up there shat some bizarre concoction of rain, sleet, and snow down on the northeast. insane? yes, extremely. sadly, i was completely and utterly unprepared for the downfall. i knew it was going to snow today from the forecast, i didn't know though that it was going to ^$(*%)*% SNOW.

i was wearing my flat shoes with holes in the soles, the socks that meet the ankles, and was not wearing my poofy, down coat that makes life bearable in the pedestrian winters of the city.

like true troopers though, we sipped on jasmine tea in a veggie dim sum spot and ventured back to our corners of the city. (not without going berserks re:MTA service changes, of course)

as is usually the case these days, i'm already under the covers and hoping that somehow the sun will magically appear and take care of bizness or that tomorrow will be another day.

knowing my luck and having some grasp of reality, i realize the latter is more likely to happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

girl, you are allowed to post whenever you want... that is the whole point of a journal, whether it's online or not. hope the weather there gets better in time for the weekend!

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