what is up

*not* a continuation of a previous blog, but a rebirth of some sort, i guess. unlike my other very public friendster blog, i'm hoping that this will be one that is read by few on their own volition rather than read by many on friendster's incessant prompting. that being said, on this page you will come across thoughtful posts, straight-up feelings, manifestos on education reform, thoughts on social change, and generally - the craziness that *is* my world.....enjoy : )



under the weather

don't know from whence it came but it's here to stay. i guess i'll have to battle this throat infection for the next few days : ( feeling a little better two salt gargles and two cups of hot water later. in T minus 10 minutes i'll head to duane reade and begin the search for over the counter meds to try to win my throat back.


scrabulous is fabulous

must-see website: www.scrabulous.com


on two hours of sleep

and somehow managing. i think it's from all the beverages and chocolate from last night, sure did a number on my heart rate. i did have a fantabulous time with my teacher crew though. we started off at pukk, wandered around looking for a dessert spot, decided on chocolate by the bald man, and bar hopped till we dropped. all in all, it was one of those one-of-a-kind nyc nightlife adventures that was long overdue.

to passer le temps during my insomniac spell last night i watched four episodes of desperate housewives last night, and i'm eagerly awaiting my next netflix installment : )


oh what a day, mid-august now in 2007

(read it to the tune of 'oh what a night...')

i forgot my cell phone and lunch at home this morning. : (

it was one of those mornings that i was procrastinating by washing dishes, tidying up my room, and walking aimlessly around that apartment. yup, not a good scene come 8:45 am since i should be heading towards the train station by then. i'm not sure why i've been slippin since i have a decent track record of gettin to work on time.

aha! it just dawned on me that my phone alarm is now set for 7:45 am when it used to be set for 7:15 am. i think it's all the movies i've been watching lately. i tend to stay up till 12 or 1, and it's probably around then that my alarm magically changes from 7:15 to 7:45. i guess i'll have to go home and institute some changes. . .


bizzy as a bee

kinda, sorta, not really though. i have been playing catch up with work and sleep the past few days, but not with my gym routine. i haven't been to the gym in weeks! i knew this was coming since i've become kinda bored with the routine and all (i hit my six month anniversary with my gym in the recent past...) but playing catch up with sleep is tiring enough!

i've become a bit of a bed potato, if you will. i get home, get water, go back to my bed, get food, go back to my bed, get more water, go back to my bed - all the while pausing and unpausing whatever happens to be in my dvd player. and i'm really starting to wonder if there is such a thing as 'enough sleep.'
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